Penguin Weights – My Introduction to ML

Through college I was getting bored of my courses as I learned about logical operational rules of the road. Then came my first Python course and I started to see the countless possibilities and power of data. This was my very first Python project result and it happens to include penguin data:

I know it is impressive how great my graphic design skills were/are – please do not solicit art. I am not taking requests at the moment.

More info on this project:

Data source: Palmer’s Penguins

The Penguin Python

First I import the data and save it in a variable and view it

import pandas as pd
data = pd.read_csv('penguins_size.csv')

array(['MALE', 'FEMALE', nan, '.'], dtype=object)

I need to clean the data. Notably, there are NAs and the sex column has “.” as an entry. After the code is cleaned I can check the shape of the data to make sure I still have enough entries less to work with.

data = data.dropna()
data = data.loc[~(data['sex'] == ".")]
(333, 7)
array(['MALE', 'FEMALE'], dtype=object)

Data Review

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt




plt.title("Histogram of Body Mass")

With 333 data entries I can continue. Now I split those entries into train and test data. I will make 80% of the data the train data.

train_data = data.sample(frac = 0.8, random_state = 0)
test_data = data.drop(train_data.index)

Now that I have the data I want to work with I can visualize my Independent and Dependent variables seperately to check if a relationship is apparent

plt.title("body_mass_g vs. culmen_depth_mm")

It looks like there is a positive relationship but the division in the data shows we likely also need some categorical variable to explain the deviation.

plt.title("body_mass_g vs. flipper_length_mm")

from sklearn.preprocessing import PolynomialFeatures
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
import numpy as np
from numpy import mean

#Define predictor and response variables.
x = np.array(train_data['flipper_length_mm']).reshape(-1,1)
y = np.array(train_data['body_mass_g'])

degree = []
cv_errors = []
for i in range(1,10):
  #i represents the degree of the polynomial. This code checks i = 1,2,...,5.

  #Specify the type of model.
  poly_x = PolynomialFeatures(degree=i, include_bias = False)
  xp = poly_x.fit_transform(x)
  model = LinearRegression()

  #Implement leave-one-out cross-validation.
  scores = cross_val_score(model, xp, y, cv=5, scoring = 'neg_mean_squared_error')
  print('Degree of polynomial: ', i, ' Cross-validation error: ', -mean(scores))
Degree of polynomial:  1  Cross-validation error:  162417.08191747055
Degree of polynomial:  2  Cross-validation error:  151644.6910167652
Degree of polynomial:  3  Cross-validation error:  146514.54782842658
Degree of polynomial:  4  Cross-validation error:  146353.33382326312
Degree of polynomial:  5  Cross-validation error:  146337.72330430784
Degree of polynomial:  6  Cross-validation error:  146325.3372241592
Degree of polynomial:  7  Cross-validation error:  146315.64408552973
Degree of polynomial:  8  Cross-validation error:  146308.04099562345
Degree of polynomial:  9  Cross-validation error:  146301.8061576243

Here we see a strong positive relationship. It looked like there might be an exponential effect and in fact it looks like the 4th power is more accurate than the first

plt.title("body_mass_g vs. culmen_length_mm")

Here we see another positive relationship with possibly another missing categorical variable

data.boxplot(column = ['body_mass_g'], by = ['sex'])

Here we can see higher body mass for males than females

data.boxplot(column = ['body_mass_g'], by = ['island'])

Here we see Biscoe island has a higher mass average than the other islands

data.boxplot(column = ['body_mass_g'], by = ['species'])

Here we see Gentoo pengions generally have higher body masses

After looking at all of our variables individually, it seems that all may provide vital information for our model. So the next step is to estimate our model and make sure the variables are not 0.


(Can skip through these iterations of model reviews)

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
est = smf.ols(data=train_data, formula="body_mass_g~flipper_length_mm + C(sex) + C(species) + culmen_depth_mm + culmen_length_mm + C(island)")
model =

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
est = smf.ols(data=train_data, formula="body_mass_g~ flipper_length_mm + I(flipper_length_mm**2) + I(flipper_length_mm**3) + I(flipper_length_mm**4) + C(sex) + C(species) + culmen_depth_mm + culmen_length_mm + C(island)")
model =

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
est = smf.ols(data=train_data, formula="body_mass_g ~ I(flipper_length_mm**2) + I(flipper_length_mm**3) + I(flipper_length_mm**4) + C(sex) + C(species) + culmen_depth_mm + culmen_length_mm + C(island)")
model =

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
est = smf.ols(data=train_data, formula="body_mass_g~ I(flipper_length_mm**2) + I(flipper_length_mm**3) + C(sex) + C(species) + culmen_depth_mm + culmen_length_mm + C(island)")
model =

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
est = smf.ols(data=train_data, formula="body_mass_g~I(flipper_length_mm**3) + C(sex) + C(species) + culmen_depth_mm + culmen_length_mm + C(island)")
model =

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
est = smf.ols(data=train_data, formula="body_mass_g~I(flipper_length_mm**3) + C(sex) + C(species) + culmen_depth_mm + culmen_length_mm")
model =

import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
est = smf.ols(data=train_data, formula="body_mass_g~I(flipper_length_mm**3) + C(sex) + C(species) + culmen_depth_mm")
model =
                            OLS Regression Results                            
Dep. Variable:            body_mass_g   R-squared:                       0.877
Model:                            OLS   Adj. R-squared:                  0.875
Method:                 Least Squares   F-statistic:                     370.5
Date:                Sun, 16 Feb 2025   Prob (F-statistic):          4.91e-116
Time:                        00:00:16   Log-Likelihood:                -1887.0
No. Observations:                 266   AIC:                             3786.
Df Residuals:                     260   BIC:                             3807.
Df Model:                           5                                         
Covariance Type:            nonrobust                                         
                                coef    std err          t      P>|t|      [0.025      0.975]
Intercept                  1132.7523    382.058      2.965      0.003     380.430    1885.075
C(sex)[T.MALE]              421.4193     50.295      8.379      0.000     322.382     520.457
C(species)[T.Chinstrap]    -101.5390     51.369     -1.977      0.049    -202.691      -0.387
C(species)[T.Gentoo]       1133.4560    134.881      8.403      0.000     867.858    1399.054
I(flipper_length_mm ** 3)     0.0001   2.62e-05      5.684      0.000    9.74e-05       0.000
culmen_depth_mm              72.1854     21.629      3.337      0.001      29.594     114.776
Omnibus:                        2.165   Durbin-Watson:                   2.054
Prob(Omnibus):                  0.339   Jarque-Bera (JB):                2.159
Skew:                           0.217   Prob(JB):                        0.340
Kurtosis:                       2.924   Cond. No.                     1.80e+08

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
[2] The condition number is large, 1.8e+08. This might indicate that there are
strong multicollinearity or other numerical problems.
Intercept                    1132.752318
C(sex)[T.MALE]                421.419296
C(species)[T.Chinstrap]      -101.538975
C(species)[T.Gentoo]         1133.456035
I(flipper_length_mm ** 3)       0.000149
culmen_depth_mm                72.185411
dtype: float64

This model’s F-statistic shows that some combonation of the variables are providing us good results. But after looking at the variables’ individual P values it looks like there may be a few issues. First I will remove the island variable as it has the largest P value of .430

Once again the model has been improved, and this time all of our P values are below 0.05. Because of this I am comfortable moving onto the next step and checking the residuals.

Model Review

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
residuals = train_data["body_mass_g"] - model.fittedvalues
plt.scatter(model.fittedvalues, residuals)
plt.xlabel("fitted values")

Our residuals look like they sit around 0 and the variance is constant so it looks like our continous variables. Now we need to check the categorical variables individually.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
residualsnew = train_data["body_mass_g"] - model.fittedvalues
plt.scatter(train_data["culmen_depth_mm"], residualsnew)

data = {'residuals': residuals, 'sex': train_data['sex']}
data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data)

data_frame.boxplot(column = ['residuals'], by = ['sex'])


The sex variable looks good as it is centered around 0 and variance looks fairly consistent.

data = {'residuals': residuals, 'species': train_data['species']}
data_frame = pd.DataFrame(data)

data_frame.boxplot(column = ['residuals'], by = ['species'])


The species variable also looks good as it is centered around 0 and variance looks fairly consistent. So now I will plot the residuals to see if it looks normally distributed.

plt.title("Histogram of Residuals")

The data looks normally distrubuted and centered around 0. The next step is to check the normal probability plot.

import scipy
scipy.stats.probplot(residuals, plot = plt)

As the normal probability plot shows a straight line, our data is looking promising. I will now move onto the last check of our data before utilizing our new model.


ShapiroResult(statistic=0.9954273273686515, pvalue=0.6214269682964766)

As our P value for the Shapiro test is > 0.05 we have successfully verified that our data is fit for predictive use. I will now check the error we should expect to have on our training data.

from numpy import mean

Our MSE looks good, but now I need to check if I have overfit the data. I can check this by checking the MSE for our test data.

from numpy import mean
predictions = model.predict(test_data)

Not only does the MSE for our test data look good, but it generalizes well with the model and produces a great MSE. Finally, we can use our model to predict the mass of a penguin with given qualities.

new_data = {'flipper_length_mm': [197], 'sex': ["FEMALE"], 'species': ["Adelie"], 'culmen_depth_mm': [18.6]}
new_penguin = pd.DataFrame(new_data)

Based off our model, we can expect a male gentoo penguin with a 180mm Flipper Length and a 20mm culmen depth to be around 3408.38g.

After all of this review, I worked to take the developed model and use that as the basis for the interactive tool here.


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