Enter, Quinn – Introducing an Exciting New Project

Prologue – Introducing the concept

For as long as I can remember, I wanted to run my own business. The concepts of being in control of my time, having my efforts directly tied to outcomes, obtaining broad public respect, and making a lasting impact were addictive. Over time, I acted on my desires and launched a business I felt would fulfill my destiny. After around two years of operation, I was burnt out. Everything suddenly felt more challenging in life. What previously was quick research before acting was a mental slough that put me further behind on work. I saw hiring support to address the issue as another insurmountable effort to understand taxation and legality. My passion slowly waned and I convinced myself that operating the right business would not leave me in a state such as this. I reviewed my lengthy list of ideas and launched the next venture. This cycle of passion and ideas followed by reality and grief led me to raise the white flag and concede to civilian life.

Reawakening – The formation of a solution

As I worked in corporate America for another’s baby, I grew resentful of myself for not being able to obtain what I desired. I continued my previous cycle in condensed fashion, working my full-time job, conceptualizing ideas I was enthusiastic about, building a prototype, and eventually throwing it wayward as I thought through practicality. I worked extensive hours regardless of if my side quest timings accumulated with the salaried role. This left me with a stockpile of vacation days nearing the end of the year, which I needed to consume or forfeit. I took these vacation days in the form of an extended holiday outage and spent the period in introspection. May it be that I will never establish a sustainable business of my own? How have I been placed in the perfect situation and still failed? Is it possible that I will never feel successful? Wait… Why does my success hinge on this concept? Why do I care about this in the first place? It all comes back to the original concepts I had about business that I have learned not to be true. What else can I do to obtain the same goals?

A New Project – Where am I at today

With my head full of new thoughts, I was able to compile my core understandings:

  1. I am an expert in nothing.
  2. Ideas and concepts are what I value, not business myself.
  3. Business outcomes are indicators of successful ideas, which is why they appeal to me.
  4. I am less in control of my time and life if I let this drive pile on top of my day job.
  5. There are other things that I can do that would allow me to gauge outcomes directly from my efforts.
  6. I can obtain respect and make impact elsewhere.

Considering my discoveries, I revisited my preconceived thoughts and determined the next steps for my career.

  1. Establish myself as a high performer in the job I am privileged to have landed (respect and impact).
  2. Create a platform to communicate my ideas and appreciate ideas of others, adding them as time allows (efforts, ideas, and timing).
  3. Center the platform around providing high quality insights that will inspire and enable others to act (impact)

That is why I am here today. I will continue to provide great outcomes in my work, and return life lessons, observations, ideas, and other insights to the public right here, on the platform that addresses the aspirations I drilled into myself many years ago.

Follow along as I share my ideas, concepts, general thoughts, and site insights throughout this journey!