Category: Meta

This section of content is dedicated to behind the scenes insight into the growth, initiatives, successes, and failures in my development of TMITLT.

  • One Month Site Review

    One Month Site Review

    We are through the first month of TMITLT’s lifespan, so it is time for a quick one month site review! Sentiment Through a full month of writing in February, the excitement has decreased slightly. I was able to start expressing some pent-up thoughts and the urgency has decreased. Despite this, I am still optimistic for…

  • Major Update 1

    Since opening the site about 2 weeks ago, I had to travel for work and was unable to post. When I returned, I found that this post had organically generated 40 unique impressions. This caught me off guard as I anticipated 0 impressions or clicks for the first few months. It is time for an…

  • Enter, Quinn – Introducing an Exciting New Project

    Enter, Quinn – Introducing an Exciting New Project

    Prologue – Introducing the concept For as long as I can remember, I wanted to run my own business. The concepts of being in control of my time, having my efforts directly tied to outcomes, obtaining broad public respect, and making a lasting impact were addictive. Over time, I acted on my desires and launched…