Category: Humans, Psychology, and Sociology

This section of content is dedicated to diving into content related to humans, psychology, and sociology. Content in here will bring awareness to key areas that lack complete understanding by the majority.

  • Are Your Motivation and Drive Harming You – Find Out

    Are Your Motivation and Drive Harming You – Find Out

    Drive is a funny thing. Whether called motivation, grit, or determination, the source of one’s drive comes back to two key factors: effort and perseverance. Amongst professionals, drive is commonly misinterpreted as the pivotal element that signifies potential to become great. Idyllic phrases that discuss how to become great, such as ‘hard work and dedication‘,…

  • The Pursuit of Happiness is the Source of Happiness

    The Pursuit of Happiness is the Source of Happiness

    Thomas Jefferson may have hit the nail on the head here. After pondering why we enjoy the things we do, I am landing in the same ballpark as Jefferson. That being said, I am operating under the assumption that, by definition, everyone desires happiness. Despite the temptation to point towards a single physical thing that…

  • 3 Reasons why you should have Transactional Relationships

    3 Reasons why you should have Transactional Relationships

    Unfortunately, society seems to have condemned transactional relationships. This condemnation is due to twisting of words and meanings, leading to a false understanding of the term. If someone told you that you should buy gifts for your partner, you should take them on dates, or that you should spend time with them, you would accept…

  • Everyone is Selfish and that is Great

    Everyone is Selfish and that is Great

    Everyone is selfish. Generally, selfishness is seen as a bad thing, but I beg to differ. Being concerned for ones self is a part of our nature and the root of being human. I’d even venture to say that it is the base of many of our actions, though, likely in an implicit manor. I’ll…

  • Dynamics of the New Work-Life Balance – An Unfair Reality

    Life is unfair. We all know this. But that simple phrase also allows you to shrug it off and continue wandering through life without urgency. I’m here to bring that urgency back to you when you hear phrases like “you need a work-life balance”, “life is unfair”, or “there’s no rush” There is less time…

  • Recovery vs Laziness – Get Moving Before you Die

    Recovery vs Laziness – Get Moving Before you Die

    There have been many studies that have shown how little time we actually have on this planet. When you take into account sleep, work, and bodily functions your ‘free’ lifespan is rather bleak. Furthermore, throw in the time wasted scrolling through non-educational social media posts, and things are even more grim. I have seen this…

  • Is Time Travel Suicide? The Loneliness with being God

    Is Time Travel Suicide? The Loneliness with being God

    Suicide? But time travel is a dream, right? Become rich and powerful, knowing the future Stop terrorism events before they occur Pivot away from your previous mistakes Ideas like this and this are fun to explore (likely due to our human nature to day dream and regret). But, what is discussed less is the side…

  • The Delusion of Color – Your Blue is Actually my Yellow!

    The Delusion of Color – Your Blue is Actually my Yellow!

    Color Comes in Early Early in life you learn language by practicing words like “mama” and “dada”, developing the foundational communication muscles. Soon after this, you begin to learn colors. It is simple enough to show a leaf and say, “this is green” then a stop sign “this is red”. Where we fail is understanding…